Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monday, March 5

The Day After. The day after the yard sale, that is. The yard sale was originally scheduled for just Saturday but at the last minute I edited the Craigslist ad to include Sunday, and left the signs up all night. Wellsir, Sunday turned out to be even better that Saturday. Go figger. Anyhoo, Monday was put-it-all-away-day, and I did. Managed to stuff it all into the laundry room, and now it (the stuff) awaits the next sale, to be augmented with a batch of newer stuff. Also this day I took Phfrit to the X-ray place to get a...X-ray...onnacounta she has some sort of lung thing goin' on....this night was the first televised Giants game of the year. Will I watch every single one this year?
~ Will I? ~

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